Cryptograin Cryptograin - это услуга, предоставляемая через мобильное приложение и веб-версию. Это позволяет накапливать личные сбережения в фиатных и криптовалютных активах в автоматическом и полуавтоматическом режиме. Он поддерживает использование высоколиквидных криптопереходов, например: Биткойн, Эфириум, Литекоин и т. Д. Проект готов к глобальному масштабированию. У нас есть команда профессионалов и финансовых партнеров, которые ежедневно совершенствуют проект. ПРОБЛЕМА И РЕШЕНИЯ Накопление богатства требует времени и усердия. И это нелегкий процесс, так как необходимо знать основные экономические принципы. Деньги должны делать деньги. Хранение денег на депозитном счете в обычном банке вряд ли приведет к накоплению, так как проценты по банковским депозитам не могут превышать темпы инфляции. Низкая заработная плата, отсутствие определенных экономических знаний и отсутствие использования финансовых инструментов не позволяют людям накопить прибыль. Но, несмотря на все ...
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ETHEREUM Private What is Ethereum Private? Ethereum Private is an innovative cryptocurrency he has the advantages of both the ethereum and neo and Zcash, a form of digital currency secured by cryptography and issued through a decentralized mining market. Etherum Private introduces an unique form of proof-of-work based on prime numbers, While maintaining all the advantages of smart contracts, Etherum Private hides all informations to protect user privacy in all transactions. It also has a dynamic block size and dynamic fees and an ASIC-resistant proof of work. What is the mission of Ethereum Private ? Our mission is to create an open, global economic platform from which no-one can be excluded. We believe that personal privacy is essential for core human values like dignity, intimacy, and ethics. Companies need privacy in order to conduct business. Privacy strengthens social ties and social institutions, enables democracy and civil political processes, prote...
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TRUEPLAY What is Trueplay? Trueplay is a platform for creating and supporting gambling projects. TruePlay is based on own use of WinCoin tokens (WNC), which will provide a complete set of Settlements between platforms. Trueplay is not a gambling provider, but it only provides a project gambling license with access to the software (Software-as-a-service). Using TruePlay platforms to create their own projects, gambling companies receive a variety of solutions: Games integration, payment receipts, payments, legal support, technical support. Gamblers get full transparency of payments and 100% reliability of their games. TruePlay offers to increase game speed through maintaining all transaction gambling logic on the server platform (offchain) and using blockchain as a FairPlay system by publishing there before the game starts just a hash of a series of previous game rounds made for sheme gamblers. This approach, in contrast to the transfer of early RNG or seed mechanisms in...
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Greenish Coin EINFÜHRUNG. Das Greenish Coin-Projekt ist eine feste monatliche Zahlungsplattform, die an Ihre Kryptowährungsbestände gekoppelt ist. Alle Aktionen basieren auf intelligenten Verträgen und Beratungsgruppen. Das Team hat lange über diese Idee nachgedacht. Das Projekt bietet eine alternative Möglichkeit, monatlich zu verdienen, im Gegensatz zu beispielsweise Renteneinkommen und Sozialleistungen. Für die Projektnutzer in der von Menschen und Menschen geschaffenen Blockchain wird eine dezentrale, monatliche Pauschale geschaffen, die eine sicherere finanzielle Zukunft für die Menschheit schafft. Der Bereich Spiele ist vollständig mit dem monatlichen Vorteilssystem verbunden. Gamer Reward ist der Zukunftsplan zur Unterstützung des Vorteilssystems. Das Team entwickelt verschiedene Arten von Spielen, einfach genug, aber die Masseklasse. Werbetreibende werden zu den Spielen hinzugefügt, die dabei helfen, riesige Gewinne zu erzielen. Die Einnahmen aus dem Spielberei...
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Review and analysis of ICO CryptoRobotics CryptoRobotics is a freemium cross-platform desktop trading terminal for macOS and Windows, iOS and Android for primary cryptocurrency currency exchange. One-door trading terminal for cryptocurrency currency exchange 1 Trading robot 2 Artificial Intelligence in algotrading 3 Constructor and market robots 4 Rank merchants and auto-follows Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of our products CryptoRobotics creates a cross-platform desktop terminal for trading on cryptocurrency servers, introduces common tools for mapping and creates new analytical and intelligent solutions in robot development to trade in new markets using best practices from the stock and currency markets. In simple words, developers create products that will make life easier for everyone involved in the currency scope of crypto-currency. Traders will be able, using their skills, to get their own robot development...
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[REVIEW ICO] SKYFchain - Transport platform on Blockchain SKYFchain is the operating platform of an air transport system including unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drone, in all sizes from baby to large, for the purpose of supporting airfreight services. loading of goods and applying to many specialized fields. WHY IS SKYFCHAIN WHETHER? Transport services have changed the face of the economy because it meets the needs of the entire industry, helping goods to flow, people are free to move. Road, waterway and air transport technologies are being improved on a daily basis to reduce costs and time, while increasing service quality to customers. However, there are still a number of issues that stakeholders face every day: • Credit unrest • Costly insurance • Operating complex • Many sanctions in many countries and territories Recognizing these issues and devoting their careers to research, SKYFchain will create a service management platform that mediates the r...